April 20, 2023
Nornie Bero and Stomping Ground Brewery & Beer Hall Collingwood present an interactive multi-course Torres Strait Island feast inspired by a Creation story.
Nornie, founder and Head Chef of Mabu Mabu, which now comprises a catering service, small-batch products and two acclaimed venues, hails from Mer in the far east Torres Strait. Nornie doubles as an author, a regular on Masterchef and is on a mission to get indigenous ingredients into every kitchen in Australia.
Through Nornie’s storytelling and specially designed dishes, the evening will celebrate native ingredients and bring the tale to your table in an interactive night of performances, dining and Stomping Ground beers to match.
Each course will link to different elements of the story and will include seafood and native meats, as well as other native ingredients from across Australia, with parts cooked over an open fire.
A specially brewed collaboration beer using native ingredients will also be revealed on the night alongside additional beers and beverages designed to pair with the menu.
This is a night to listen, learn, taste and enjoy First Nations culture and understand the significance of storytelling in Indigenous knowledge systems.
Please note - the menu is a reflection of the food culture of the Torres Strait and is served as the story evolves. It will include seafood and meat. Due to the nature of the event, the menu will not be published prior to the event. Vegetarian alternatives are available but may not relate directly to the story being told.